Beauty & Fashion Follower

Monday 14 January 2013

Catwalk practice look

Practice look for my catwalk shoot

I had a really clear image in my head for my catwalk look, but I still tried to play around and see how I could make it better. Again, I know this is in the wrong order, but still you can see the development process.

With this look, I used more colours that in my final piece. I used red, white, black and yellow. I do however like the white stripe across the nose, but after developing my look further I think that just the black and red work better. It appears more stronger and the single black line across the face is really striking particularly on my male model. I experimented with different tribal patterns on the neck and chest area, as this was something I really wanted to do ( a tattoo on this part of the body) The black and yellow across the shoulders looks good, I just did not like the red flicks. To me I wanted to create something bolder, which is when I developed these face charts below!!

I like this design i like all the colours used and the different shapes and textures. I particularly like the solid black line down the centre of the face. This is something the later draw inspiration from for my final look. 

This was the tattoo design I had for my model. I developed this by making it much more simpler, therefore it is less time consuming and will fir the 'catwalk' brief a lot better. I chose to just use black and white to keep it clean and simple. I also think it will look a lot stronger with just two colours.

I played around using rectangular shapes in this look, but it is not what I had in mind for my catwalk look. I drew inspiration from some of the images I had posted previously, but this was not the look I wanted to create.

With this one, I tried drawing out a tattoo on the face, but after developing my ideas, I realized that I wanted to do a similar tattoo design on the chest area, and so thought that it was best for me to keep the make up on the face simple and with a splash of colour.

I do like this design i have drawn out, but I feel that by having a large tattoo on the chest the make-up on the face can't be too wild and distracting, as there will be far too much going on.

I am a real fan of this face chart, it appears to be striking and reflects my brief well, but having thought about the headdress an how far down the face it would come, there would be no point in having makeup from the eyes upwards. what's great about this design in the curved shape across the forehead, but this will be where the headdress will sit, so adapted it to make my final face chart, still taking some of the elements from this one and the ones above. 

Editorial practice shoots

These are just a few images from some of the practice shoots I did. I know they are in the wrong order chronologically, but I wanted to include them.

for this look I tried it without the little flower petals round the eyes. I think even though there are colours used, it appears very skeletal. But with this look, I feel that something is missing, it may be the face that I haven't done anything with the hair. But I do like the large pink heart in the middle of the forehead.

With this look, I tried to play around with more of my supra colours, and practice different shapes and patterns as this is something that the Mexican holiday was heavily focused on, and I wanted to reflect that in my final look. There are no swirls in this look on the cheeks or foreheads, to me it seems more 'Azteccy' and even though it is tribal, it was not one of the tribes I wanted to focus on for this specific look.

Finally I came up with this look, I am most pleased with this look, I changed the shape of the nose and eyes. I decided to not blacken the eye sockets but to use a metallic turquoise colour instead. Which i think works really well. I kept the same colour theme throughout as well  using this same colour on the cheek 'swirls' and on the chin flower as well. I added the little flower petals around the eyes, which I think makes the look more feminine. I would develop this look even more by using little gems on the face. During my research I came across the spiderweb, and I thought I would try it and see how it looks, in the end I decided not to keep it and in it's place i added a flower and orange shading just to brighten up the look. With regards to the hair, during my research I noticed quite period hairstyles were being associated with the day of the dead and so i tried my hand at one to see how it looked!

Catwalk Final Shoot

reflecting on my final catwalk look

On Friday 7th December, I completed my final look for my catwalk design. I felt confident and prepared for the shoot, I felt more ready for it than than the shoot I did last week. I had practiced my look on myself many times and moderated it each time until I was 100% satisfied. However, with regards to the tattoo on the chest, this was something that I knew I could not practice on myself all to well, as the design is for a male. I will post below a step by step guide and some images of the final look also!

I began by focusing on the make-up:

- Firstly I cleaned the face.
- Next I applied primer to the face and neck area.
- I colour matched my male model, and applied a small amount of foundation focusing mainly on the cheek/nose area (as this is the skin that would be on show.)
- Using masking tape as a guide I placed a strip of it across the forehead of where I would want my straight red line to be.
- Using a foundation brush and red supra colour, I shaded in the area into a rectangular shape.
- After this I did the same technique with a small brush and black supra colour right underneath the red rectangle. The black line should be around 1cm wide and the same length as the red rectangle.
- I then brought the black line half way down the nose (in the same thickness) and beginning underneath the lower lip

- I then used a mascara wand and yellow supra colour and coated the bottom and top lashes.
- Next using my angled edge brush and white supra colour, I drew on three very thin white lines horizontally underneath the black line.
- On the other side of the nose I did the same but with dots. I think that this worked really well. 
- After I finished applying the supra colours, I went over it all using the correct colour eye shadow, so that the colours would set and it would have a matte finish.

- I produced this tattoo using, liquid latex, split peas and white and black supra colours.
- i firstly sketched out the design using an eyeliner and made sure i was clean and precise. 
- After this I mixed up some liquid latex in a bowl and using tweezers I applied the split peas to the chest in the pattern that I wanted. (scattered from left to right on the chest area)
- I then filled in all the black areas using a foundation brush and black supra colour, making sure that I painted over the split peas.
- Next using a small thin brush I applied the white supra colours in the areas that I needed, making sure to go over the split peas and covering them too.
- using a big powder I brush I dusted a layer of powder of the supra colours so that it would stay in place and look matte.

- I planned for this look to have a headdress and for it to be on a male model, so there was not a lot I could have done with the hair. I pulled all the hair back using wax, so that it would act as a good surface for the headdress to sit on and not interfere with it. 
- I took images without the headdress on too, just so you could see what the hair styling was like with out the headdress. 

Things to improve on/disappointments:

I would improve on my time keeping, although I produced the look a lot quicker than the one I did the previous week, I still felt that it shouldn't have taken me as long as it did.

Things that went well/Positives

I was pleased with my final outcome, and thought that it reflected my specific catwalk style. I was pleased with my final images and thought that he looked great on camera. The tattoo on the chest really completed the look for me, and I am so pleased i chose to do one of my looks on a male.
 Furthermore, I think that my look did reflect my story board and matched the ideas I had. I also thought that my choice in model was good, he knew the look I wanted to achieve and gave me the looks that I wanted! Good day overall. 

a close up of the tattoo design and split peas.